성공회 주교들이 천주교회로 옮길 가능성?신학이야기 2010. 5. 8. 23:14
풀햄의 주교인 The Rt Rev John Broadhurst, 리치버러의 주교인 the Rt Rev Keith Newton 그리고 엡스프리트의 주교인 the Rt Rev Andrew Burnham 등의 성공회 주교 몇 사람이 그들 휘하의 성공회 성직자들과 함께 대규모로 천주교회로 옮길 가능성을 생각하면서 교황청의 고위 관리들과 만났다고 합니다. 성공회가 여성 주교를 허용하려는 주교회의를 앞두고 이를 막을 수 없다고 생각한 성공회 내의 전통주의적 주교들이 아예 천주교회로 옮길 길을 모색하는 듯합니다. 이는 2009년 11월에 천주교회의 베네딕트 16세가 제안한 프로그램(Anglicanorum coetibus)에 대한 반응으로 보입니다. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nogxr33QWrw&NR=1
천주교회로 옮기면 그들을 천주교회에서 다시 서품을 받되(이는 그들의 성공회에서 받은 서품을 천주교회가 인정하지 않는다는 뜻이지요), 그러나 자신들의 성공회적 정체성은 그대로 유지할 수 있고, 심지어 그들 나름의 신학교도 운영할 수 있도록 하는 방향으로 가는 길이라고 합니다. 결혼 한 사제는 계속해서 목회자의 역할을 할 수 있으나, 독신의 주교만이 Ordinary가 되어 주교 같은 역할을 할 수 있다고 합니다. 지금까지는 50여명의 주교들이 여성 주교 허용에 반대해서 이런 길로 나갈 관심을 기울였다고 하고, 1500명 정도의 성공회 목회자들이 올길 계획을 가지고 있다고 합니다.
켄터베리 대주교인 로완 윌리암스는 이전에 주교들이 이런 일을 하지 않도록 권면했었다고 합니다. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itIF0k-nluo&feature=youtube_gdata 따라서 켄터베리 대주교의 권면에 반하여 진행되는 이런 일은 성공회와 천주 교회의 관계를 해칠 것으로들 예상하는 듯합니다.
이를 보도하는 2010년 5월 1일자 텔레그라프의 다음 뉴스를 참조해 보시기 바랍니다.
편안하도록 그 기사를 그대로 퍼서 붙여 놓습니다. 중요한 곳암 볼드체로 바꾸어 놓았으니 참고하십시오.
UK: Anglican bishops in secret Vatican summit
Leading traditionalist bishops in the Anglican Church have secretly told senior Vatican officials that they are ready to defect to Rome, taking clergy with them.
By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent
The Telegraph
May 1, 2010
A group of Church of England bishops met last week with advisers of Pope Benedict XVI to set in motion steps that would allow priests to convert to Catholicism en masse. In a move likely to raise tensions between the two Churches, a group of Church of England bishops met last week with advisers of Pope Benedict XVI to set in motion steps that would allow priests to convert to Catholicism en masse. They are set to resign their orders in opposition to the introduction of women bishops and to lead an exodus of Anglican clerics to the Catholic Church despite Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, urging them not to leave.
It would be the first time for nearly 20 years that large numbers of priests have crossed from the Church of England to Rome, and comes only weeks ahead of a crucial General Synod debate on making women bishops. The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that bishops travelled to the Holy See last week to hold face to face discussions with senior members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the most powerful of the Vatican's departments.
The Rt Rev John Broadhurst, the Rt Rev Keith Newton and the Rt Rev Andrew Burnham, the bishops of Fulham, Richborough and Ebbsfleet respectively, are understood to have informed senior Catholic officials that Church of England clergy are keen to defect to Rome. It is the first significant response to the Papal offer made last year, which opened the doors for Anglicans to convert while retaining key elements of their tradition.
The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, was unaware of the summit, which is likely to prove embarrassing to the Catholic Church ahead of the Pope's visit to Britain later this year as it will rekindle fears that it is trying to poach Anglican clergy.
one source close to last week's discussions said that the Anglican bishops raised concerns with the Vatican officials that there is opposition to them defecting from Catholic bishops in England. Nevertheless, they made clear they have become so disillusioned with the Church's liberal direction that they are keen to accept the Pope's offer if they can finalise plans to implement it. The Vatican summit will raise the stakes at the General Synod in July when the Church of England's parliament will vote on how to treat traditionalist clergy opposed to the introduction of women bishops. Although the number of priests who have openly said that they plan to defect has been small so far, the group is likely to grow if they are not given adequate provisions.
A leading Anglican cleric said: "This will seriously embarrass the Pope. "It's a plot within the Vatican that they are desperate to keep quiet until they are ready to go public. Many will see this as proof that the Catholic Church is intent on poaching clergy from the Church of England despite its reassurances to the contrary."
Anglo-Catholic bishops say yes to Rome, bypassing stroppy Catholic bishops
By Damian Thompson, Columnist
The Telegraph
May 2, 2010
[Update: A leading Anglo-Catholic source contacts me this morning naming at least one English Catholic bishop whom he thinks was in Rome for this summit. He confirms that "very few people on our side" (ie, the C of E) knew it was happening. Catholic bishops may have known, and are very unhappy at being bypassed.]
A fascinating update on the Ordinariate story tonight from Jonathan Wynne-Jones: the Church of England bishops of Fulham, Richborough and Ebbsfleet have basically said yes to the Pope's offer. They were at the Vatican last week to discuss the details, apparently. The RC Bishops of England and Wales are hopelessly divided on the Ordinariate scheme, so - with the encouragement of the Pope - Bishops John Broadhurst, Keith Newton and Andrew Burnham have gone to the top. Very wise.
The Sunday Telegraph story says Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster was unaware of the Vatican meeting. That implies a serious collapse of confidence in the English Catholic hierarchy on the part of the Anglicans - you would expect +Vin to be in the picture even if his colleagues weren't. But see update above: senior Anglo-Catholic sources reckon at least one member of the English hierarchy was in Rome, so that makes it almost inconceivable that Archbishop Nichols didn't know. But, as Jonathan writes: one source close to last week's discussions said that the Anglican bishops raised concerns with the Vatican officials that there is opposition to them defecting from Catholic bishops in England."
At which point it's time to sound a note of reassurance. The CDF isn't going to allow the likes of +Kieran Conry to demolish this historic new structure. The more trouble the English bishops cause, the less influence they will have over the Ordinariate. I wonder: given that anyone attending an Ordinariate Mass will fulfil his or her Sunday obligation, is this an escape route for cradle Catholics, too?Catholic News Agency에 실린 뉴스도 보십시오:
.- The Sunday Telegraph in Britain reported yesterday that several Anglican bishops met with Vatican officials to discuss the process of converting to the Catholic Church. Despite the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams reportedly urging them not to leave the Church of England, several bishops are looking to leave the Anglican Communion over their opposition to the introduction of women bishops and priests.
According to the Sunday Telegraph, Bishops John Broadhurst, Keith Newton and Andrew Burnham, from the Dioceses of Fulham, Richborough and Ebbsfleet respectively, all met with senior Vatican officials last week. Meeting with leaders from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Anglican bishops discussed the possibility of becoming Catholic, in accordance with Pope Benedict's recent invitation. The Holy Father's “Anglicanorum coetibus,” a motu propio which was released in Nov. 2009, offered Vatican guidelines for Anglican groups to enter into communion with the Catholic Church.
The Associated Press released an article on Monday quoting Bishop Broadhurst, who confirmed that the trip had taken place yet declined to comment on what was discussed. “I don't want to be drawn on it,” he told the AP, saying that the issue “can damage both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.” Bishop Newton added that the visit consisted of "nothing more than exploratory talks." Church of England officials refused to speak publicly about the issue.
Lambeth Palace told CNA on Monday that Archbishop Rowan Williams has not issued a statement in response to the Anglican bishops' meeting with Vatican officials. If the Church of England does offer a reaction, it will not happen until after May 3, which is a national holiday in Britain.
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