미국 칼빈 신학교 2011년 가을 학기부터 섬길 새로운 총장 선임 소식신학대학원대학교 2010. 5. 5. 12:47
미국 칼빈 신학교 이사회에서 2011년 가을 학기부터 섬길 새로운 총장에 쥴리우스 메덴브릭 목사님을 선임하였다는 소식이 CRC Newsroom에 나왔기에 여기 퍼서 옮김니다. 현재 17대 총장으로 수고하시는 Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. 교수 후임으로 18대 총장으로 섬길 메덴브릭 목사님은 일리노이즈 뉴레녹스(New Renox)에 있는 새생명 교회(CRC)가 개척되는 일을 도왔고, 오랫동안 담임 목사를 하시다가 2011년에 새로운 직임에서 기독교 개혁 교회(CRC)를 섬기게 될 것이라고 합니다. 다음 소식을 보시기 바랍니다.
Calvin Seminary Nominates New President
April 23, 2010 -- The Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) Board of Trustees has unanimously nominated Rev. Julius Medenblik to be the eighth president of the 134-year-old seminary.
He is slated to succeed current president Cornelius Plantinga Jr. who leaves office at the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year. The nomination is subject to interview by the CRC Board of Trustees and final appointment by the Christian Reformed Church Synod in June of this year.
Medenblik is Senior Pastor of New Life Christian Reformed Church in New Lenox, Ill., which he helped found. Under his leadership, the church has grown from four members to more than 700. He is also involved in leading church planting efforts of the denomination and was recently chair of the CTS Board of Trustees.
He holds a BA degree from Trinity Christian College, a juris doctor with honors from the University of Florida Law School and a Master of Divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary. He was nominated for the post by an 11-member search committee.
Search committee chair, the Reverend Kevin Adams said, “We are unanimous in our support for Jul, because we feel he possesses in abundance the gifts needed to promote the Seminary’s unique mission in a variety of contexts. He brings a desire to know students, listen to faculty and staff, and cultivate partners outside the Seminary in order to serve the church.”
“I am humbled and energized by this opportunity,” said Medenblik. “Calvin Theological Seminary is deeply rooted in and nurtured by the church. We have a great opportunity to use those roots to nourish preachers and church leaders for the ministries and new opportunities that await us in the mission field around each and every one of us.”
In an interview, he added: “I have been blessed to serve God and His Church in an abundance of settings and positions … I am energized to join the Seminary community in connecting theological excellence with pastoral sensitivity and insights as we serve together in the mission that God has before us.”
Current CTS President Plantinga noted, “The Seminary has made a fresh and bold choice of its next president. Julius Medenblik is an ecclesiastical entrepreneur – a Christian leader of proven accomplishment in the church and, as chair of Calvin Seminary's trustees, already a leader of the Seminary. As a trustee, he helped to shape the Seminary's new calendar and curriculum, so I'm confident he will steer our ship in the same direction he helped set for it. I look forward to working closely with Jul during the transition from one president to the next, and I will do so with joy.”
--Calvin Theological Seminary
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